StarHorse 2021
Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia EDR3 stars brighter than G = 18.5
Anders, Khalatyan, et al. (2021)
Accessing the catalogue
ADQL queries:
- ADQL query interface
- StarHorse2021-specific examples in Appendix C of the paper
- Gaia ADQL tutorial
TAP queries with TOPCAT:
- TAP instructions for (scroll down for TOPCAT-specific instructions)
- TOPCAT TAP access manual
- TOPCAT homepage
TAP queries with python / pyvo:
- starhorse_db (access ing the SH2021 data works in the same way as with the SH2019 dataset)
- cmd_from_db:
- cmd_from_db_chunking:
- TAP instructions for
CDS/VizieR access
Accessing the approximated posterior PDFs
- Python tutorial (scroll down to part 2)
Bulk data download
In addition to the ADQL database, the full SH2021 dataset is available in two formats: parquet and csv. The parquet files have multiple splits. Each file format has its own file list in order to simplify the downloads with wget
- parquet(~107GiB/384splits): List of parquet files
- CSV (~118GB/384splits): List of CSV gzipped files
Get the list of the files:
or download entire CSV data into sh_edr3_2021_v1.2.parq.csv folder:
wget -i -P sh_edr3_2021_v1.2.parq.csv/
Catalogue crossmatches using
You can use Gaia@AIPmailto:Gaia@AIP to do crossmatches with the StarHorse2021 table. Since the first time may not be straightforward, here's a small HOWTO:
- The first step is to upload a (correctly formatted) VOTable of source_ids - by clicking on Query --> Upload VOTable --> Select a file & give it an alias (e.g. test_upload):
(This shows the example for anonymous users - if you want to keep the list of source_ids invisible to other users, please log in.)
When completed successfully, you will see something like this:
- Now you can use the uploaded table in ADQL queries - if you are not logged in, the table will be called for example gaia_user_anonymous.test_upload. A simple crossmatch with the StarHorse2021 database (selecting all columns) would then look like this:
(Be sure to include a correct match statement.) Depending on the size of your table, you will get the results within a minute (several 10,000 objects) or longer. Please choose the job queue accordingly.
Once the data are ready, you will see a screen like this:
- Then you can click on Download and choose your favourite file format.
- Article:
- Data: doi:10.17876/data/2021_1
- BibTex:
author = {
{Anders}, F. and {Khalatyan}, A. and {Queiroz}, A.~B.~A. and {Chiappini}, C. and {Ard{\`e}vol}, J. and {Casamiquela}, L. and {Figueras}, F. and {Jim{\'e}nez-Arranz}, {\'O}. and {Jordi}, C. and {Mongui{\'o}}, M. and {Romero-G{\'o}mez}, M. and {Altamirano}, D. and {Antoja}, T. and {Assaad}, R. and {Cantat-Gaudin}, T. and {Castro-Ginard}, A. and {Enke}, H. and {Girardi}, L. and {Guiglion}, G. and {Khan}, S. and {Luri}, X. and {Miglio}, A. and {Minchev}, I. and {Ramos}, P. and {Santiago}, B.~X. and {Steinmetz}, M.
title = "{Photo-astrometric distances, extinctions, and astrophysical parameters for Gaia EDR3 stars brighter than G=18.5}",
journal = {\aap},
volume = {in press},
keywords = {Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics},
year = 2021,
month = nov,
eid = {arXiv:2111.01860},
pages = {arXiv:2111.01860},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {2111.01860},
primaryClass = {astro-ph.GA},
adsurl = {},
adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}
Changelog for table
Change log:
- 11.11.2021: v1.2
- bug fix in colors columns.
- 05.11.2021: v1.1
- initial database release on as : gaiaedr3_contrib.starhorse table
- see Appendix D of the paper